[Oisf-devel] suricata 1.3.4 coredump caused by segfault

Victor Julien victor at inliniac.net
Mon Dec 3 14:54:33 UTC 2012

On 12/03/2012 03:38 AM, xbadou xbadou wrote:
> Hi,
>  I use 'top' command, my memory is as follows:
> Mem:   3080880k total,   356708k used,  2724172k free,     6452k buffers
> Swap:  2650684k total,        0k used,  2650684k free,    83212k cached
> When suricata starts, it used about 6.6% (~203MB). But it become larger
> and larger.
> The following is some log when suricata starts.
> 3/12/2012 -- 08:44:50 - <Info> - AutoFP mode using default "Active
> Packets" flow load balancer
> 3/12/2012 -- 08:44:50 - <Info> - Use pid file /var/run/suricata.pid from
> config file.
> 3/12/2012 -- 08:44:50 - <Info> - preallocated 5000 packets. Total memory
> 15440000
> 3/12/2012 -- 08:44:50 - <Info> - allocated 131072 bytes of memory for
> the host hash... 4096 buckets of size 32
> 3/12/2012 -- 08:44:50 - <Info> - preallocated 1000 hosts of size 72
> 3/12/2012 -- 08:44:50 - <Info> - host memory usage: 203072 bytes,
> maximum: 16777216
> 3/12/2012 -- 08:44:50 - <Info> - allocated 2097152 bytes of memory for
> the flow hash... 65536 buckets of size 32
> 3/12/2012 -- 08:44:50 - <Info> - preallocated 10000 flows of size 176
> 3/12/2012 -- 08:44:50 - <Info> - flow memory usage: 3857152 bytes,
> maximum: 33554432
> 3/12/2012 -- 08:44:50 - <Info> - using magic-file /usr/share/file/magic
> 3/12/2012 -- 08:44:53 - <Error> - [ERRCODE:
> SC_ERR_UNKNOWN_DECODE_EVENT(191)] - unknown decode event
> "ipv6.ipv4_in_ipv6_too_small"
> 3/12/2012 -- 08:44:53 - <Error> - [ERRCODE:
> SC_ERR_INVALID_SIGNATURE(39)] - error parsing signature "alert pkthdr
> any any -> any any (msg:"SURICATA IPv4-in-IPv6 packet too short";
> decode-event:ipv6.ipv4_in_ipv6_too_small; sid:2200082; rev:1;)" from
> file /etc/suricata/rules/decoder-events.rules at line 93
> 3/12/2012 -- 08:44:53 - <Error> - [ERRCODE:
> SC_ERR_UNKNOWN_DECODE_EVENT(191)] - unknown decode event
> "ipv6.ipv4_in_ipv6_wrong_version"
> 3/12/2012 -- 08:44:53 - <Error> - [ERRCODE:
> SC_ERR_INVALID_SIGNATURE(39)] - error parsing signature "alert pkthdr
> any any -> any any (msg:"SURICATA IPv4-in-IPv6 invalid protocol";
> decode-event:ipv6.ipv4_in_ipv6_wrong_version; sid:2200083; rev:1;)" from
> file /etc/suricata/rules/decoder-events.rules at line 94
> 3/12/2012 -- 08:44:53 - <Error> - [ERRCODE:
> SC_ERR_UNKNOWN_DECODE_EVENT(191)] - unknown decode event
> "ipv6.ipv6_in_ipv6_too_small"
> 3/12/2012 -- 08:44:53 - <Error> - [ERRCODE:
> SC_ERR_INVALID_SIGNATURE(39)] - error parsing signature "alert pkthdr
> any any -> any any (msg:"SURICATA IPv6-in-IPv6 packet too short";
> decode-event:ipv6.ipv6_in_ipv6_too_small; sid:2200084; rev:1;)" from
> file /etc/suricata/rules/decoder-events.rules at line 96
> 3/12/2012 -- 08:44:53 - <Error> - [ERRCODE:
> SC_ERR_UNKNOWN_DECODE_EVENT(191)] - unknown decode event
> "ipv6.ipv6_in_ipv6_wrong_version"
> 3/12/2012 -- 08:44:53 - <Error> - [ERRCODE:
> SC_ERR_INVALID_SIGNATURE(39)] - error parsing signature "alert pkthdr
> any any -> any any (msg:"SURICATA IPv6-in-IPv6 invalid protocol";
> decode-event:ipv6.ipv6_in_ipv6_wrong_version; sid:2200085; rev:1;)" from
> file /etc/suricata/rules/decoder-events.rules at line 97
> 3/12/2012 -- 08:44:53 - <Error> - [ERRCODE:
> SC_ERR_OPENING_RULE_FILE(41)] - opening rule file
> /etc/suricata/rules/emerging-botcc.rules: No such file or directory.
> 3/12/2012 -- 08:44:53 - <Error> - [ERRCODE:
> SC_ERR_OPENING_RULE_FILE(41)] - opening rule file
> /etc/suricata/rules/emerging-ciarmy.rules: No such file or directory.
> 3/12/2012 -- 08:44:53 - <Error> - [ERRCODE:
> SC_ERR_OPENING_RULE_FILE(41)] - opening rule file
> /etc/suricata/rules/emerging-compromised.rules: No such file or directory.
> 3/12/2012 -- 08:44:53 - <Error> - [ERRCODE:
> SC_ERR_OPENING_RULE_FILE(41)] - opening rule file
> /etc/suricata/rules/emerging-drop.rules: No such file or directory.
> 3/12/2012 -- 08:44:53 - <Error> - [ERRCODE:
> SC_ERR_OPENING_RULE_FILE(41)] - opening rule file
> /etc/suricata/rules/emerging-dshield.rules: No such file or directory.
> 3/12/2012 -- 08:44:53 - <Error> - [ERRCODE:
> SC_ERR_OPENING_RULE_FILE(41)] - opening rule file
> /etc/suricata/rules/emerging-tor.rules: No such file or directory.
> 3/12/2012 -- 08:44:53 - <Info> - 41 rule files processed. 6106 rules
> succesfully loaded, 4 rules failed
> 3/12/2012 -- 08:44:54 - <Info> - 6114 signatures processed. 4 are
> IP-only rules, 2880 are inspecting packet payload, 3885 inspect
> application layer, 72 are decoder event only
> 3/12/2012 -- 08:44:54 - <Info> - building signature grouping structure,
> stage 1: adding signatures to signature source addresses... complete
> 3/12/2012 -- 08:44:54 - <Info> - building signature grouping structure,
> stage 2: building source address list... complete
> 3/12/2012 -- 08:44:56 - <Info> - building signature grouping structure,
> stage 3: building destination address lists... complete
> 3/12/2012 -- 08:44:57 - <Warning> - [ERRCODE: SC_ERR_FOPEN(44)] - Error
> opening file: "/etc/suricata//threshold.config": No such file or directory
> 3/12/2012 -- 08:44:57 - <Info> - Core dump size is unlimited.
> 3/12/2012 -- 08:44:57 - <Info> - fast output device (regular)
> initialized: fast.log
> 3/12/2012 -- 08:44:57 - <Info> - Unified2-alert initialized: filename
> unified2.alert, limit 32 MB
> 3/12/2012 -- 08:44:57 - <Info> - Using 1 live device(s).
> 3/12/2012 -- 08:44:57 - <Info> - Unable to find pcap config for
> interface wafbridge1, using default value
> 3/12/2012 -- 08:44:57 - <Info> - using interface wafbridge1
> 3/12/2012 -- 08:44:57 - <Info> - RunModeIdsPcapAutoFp initialised
> 3/12/2012 -- 08:44:57 - <Info> - stream "max-sessions": 262144
> 3/12/2012 -- 08:44:57 - <Info> - stream "prealloc-sessions": 32768
> 3/12/2012 -- 08:44:57 - <Info> - stream "memcap": 33554432
> 3/12/2012 -- 08:44:57 - <Info> - stream "midstream" session pickups:
> disabled
> 3/12/2012 -- 08:44:57 - <Info> - stream "async-oneside": disabled
> 3/12/2012 -- 08:44:57 - <Info> - stream "checksum-validation": enabled
> 3/12/2012 -- 08:44:57 - <Info> - stream."inline": disabled
> 3/12/2012 -- 08:44:57 - <Info> - stream.reassembly "memcap": 67108864
> 3/12/2012 -- 08:44:57 - <Info> - stream.reassembly "depth": 1048576
> 3/12/2012 -- 08:44:57 - <Info> - stream.reassembly
> "toserver-chunk-size": 2560
> 3/12/2012 -- 08:44:57 - <Info> - stream.reassembly
> "toclient-chunk-size": 2560
> 3/12/2012 -- 08:44:57 - <Info> - all 7 packet processing threads, 3
> management threads initialized, engine started.
> My testing network is like this.
> Working  Network  ------Suricata-------Internet
> Working  Network bandwidth is about 8~30Mbit/s. Each traffic we visit
> Internet is checked by Suricata. 

Could you try upgrading to our 1.3-dev branch here:

We fixed a memory leak in our flow engine that may be related to the
issue you are having.


> Thank you.
> On Fri, Nov 30, 2012 at 6:44 PM, Peter Manev <petermanev at gmail.com
> <mailto:petermanev at gmail.com>> wrote:
>     Hi,
>     You mention that you have small traffic - how much memory does
>     Suricata use? how many rules do you load?
>     thank you
>     On Fri, Nov 30, 2012 at 3:50 AM, xbadou xbadou <xbadou at gmail.com
>     <mailto:xbadou at gmail.com>> wrote:
>         Thank you very much.
>         But I want to known, whether I can do something to limit the max
>         memory usage of suricata. Because I just have very small
>          network traffic.  I think 4 GB is maybe enough to me. I just
>         want suricata keep alive if it can't get more memory. Or
>         suricata do some memory clean jobs if it can't allocate more memory.
>         If suricata get a segfault very offen, I think I may need a
>         watchdog to watch this and restart it.
>         On Fri, Nov 30, 2012 at 10:26 AM, Marcos Rodriguez
>         <marcos.e.rodriguez at gmail.com
>         <mailto:marcos.e.rodriguez at gmail.com>> wrote:
>             On Thu, Nov 29, 2012 at 8:23 PM, xbadou xbadou
>             <xbadou at gmail.com <mailto:xbadou at gmail.com>> wrote:
>                 Yes, I am running debian 5 with kernel
>                  32bit。 And the system ram size is 2GB*2.
>                 So, if it is really this issue. How can I avoid this
>                 coredump happen? Can I change some settings in the
>                 suricata.yaml file?
>                 Thanks.
>             At the bottom of the suricata.yaml file, you'll find this
>             section:
>             # Suricata core dump configuration. Limits the size of the
>             core dump file to
>             # approximately max-dump. The actual core dump size will be
>             a multiple of the
>             # page size. Core dumps that would be larger than max-dump
>             are truncated. On
>             # Linux, the actual core dump size may be a few pages larger
>             than max-dump.
>             # Setting max-dump to 0 disables core dumping.
>             # Setting max-dump to 'unlimited' will give the full core
>             dump file.
>             # On 32-bit Linux, a max-dump value >= ULONG_MAX may cause
>             the core dump size
>             # to be 'unlimited'.
>             coredump:
>               max-dump: unlimited
>             Change the max-dump to 0 to disable.  :o)
>             marcos 
>         _______________________________________________
>         Suricata IDS Devel mailing list:
>         oisf-devel at openinfosecfoundation.org
>         <mailto:oisf-devel at openinfosecfoundation.org>
>         Site: http://suricata-ids.org | Participate:
>         http://suricata-ids.org/participate/
>         List:
>         https://lists.openinfosecfoundation.org/mailman/listinfo/oisf-devel
>         Redmine: https://redmine.openinfosecfoundation.org/
>     -- 
>     Regards,
>     Peter Manev
> _______________________________________________
> Suricata IDS Devel mailing list: oisf-devel at openinfosecfoundation.org
> Site: http://suricata-ids.org | Participate: http://suricata-ids.org/participate/
> List: https://lists.openinfosecfoundation.org/mailman/listinfo/oisf-devel
> Redmine: https://redmine.openinfosecfoundation.org/

Victor Julien
PGP: http://www.inliniac.net/victorjulien.asc

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