[Oisf-devel] OpenBSD Suricata (again) and P2P detection

Henri Wahl h.wahl at ifw-dresden.de
Thu May 31 13:30:48 UTC 2012

Hello world,
after finally managing to run Suricata 1.3 on OpenBSD - thanks to all of
you who helped me - I am now running Suricata and Snort in parallel to
compare detection and overall performance.
In my opinion Suricata does a pretty good job, but only fails in
detecting P2P traffic caused by Bittorrent clients and the likes. Where
Snort immediately detects P2P packets (which allow me to block them with
a snortsam-like construction) Suricata keeps silence. I use the
p2p.rules and emerging-p2p.rules, now the identical ones (Snort/Suricta)
and before the Suricata optimized ones from Emerging Threads but the
result is always the same - silence.
Is something like this known or has anybody another direction for me
where to look for?
Thank you very much + regards
Henri Wahl
Henri Wahl

IT Department
Leibniz-Institut für Festkörper- u.
Werkstoffforschung Dresden

tel. (03 51) 46 59 - 797
email: h.wahl at ifw-dresden.de

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