[Oisf-devel] Suricata has a new Site!

Matt Jonkman mjonkman at emergingthreatspro.com
Tue Oct 2 14:33:33 UTC 2012

Suricata has a new website within the OISF!


This site is dedicated to all things Suricata, and focuses on more
detailed information as to why we hope you'll give Suricata a try in
your environment.

We welcome feedback on the new Suricata site. Putting this separate
site up from the OISF's main site was in response to feedback that the
primary drivers to give Suricata a try weren't featured well enough on
the OISF site. So we're hoping this will help those not familiar with
Suricata get a quick idea what's there, what it does, and how to give
it a run.

If you have a service or platform based upon or that supports Suricata
please contact us directly to be added to an upcoming "Suricata Runs
On" page! Being listed here is free and helps those interested in
Suricata find your products and services.

Matt Jonkman
Emerging Threats Pro
Open Information Security Foundation (OISF)
Phone 866-504-2523 x110

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