[Oisf-devel] UPDATE: Sponsors of the OISF-Suricata User Conference

Kelley Misata kelley at openinfosecfoundation.org
Wed Aug 5 14:01:56 UTC 2015

We are almost half way to our sponsorship goal for the first annual
User Conference <http://www.oisfevents.net/> in Barcelona this coming
November, but we need more.  All sponsorship dollars go directly to funding
expenses to put on this FREE community event and Suricata.


*Community Partner Sponsors:*
FireEye <https://www.fireeye.com/index.html> and Google

*Community Friend Sponsors:*
Stamus Networks <https://www.stamus-networks.com/>, Interworks
<https://www.intelworks.com/>, and Accolade Technology

We are still hoping for an organization to be the Community Leader of this
historic event in OISF and Suricata's history!  So if know of organizations
who loves and uses Suricata, please let them know we'd be happy to
customize a sponsorship level that works best for them.

The OISF Team

*Kelley Misata*
*Open Information Security Foundation*
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