[Oisf-devel] how to setup the suricata for extracting the files from ftp protocol and save into disk

zhangqs zhangqs at act.buaa.edu.cn
Fri Mar 23 04:25:17 UTC 2018

Thanks Victor, I found the code:

TmEcode OutputLoggerLog(ThreadVars *tv,Packet *p,void *thread_data)
     LoggerThreadStore *thread_store = (LoggerThreadStore *)thread_data;
     RootLogger *logger =TAILQ_FIRST(&RootLoggers);
     LoggerThreadStoreNode *thread_store_node =TAILQ_FIRST(thread_store);
     while (logger && thread_store_node) {
         if (logger->LogFunc != NULL) {
             logger->LogFunc(tv, p, thread_store_node->thread_data);
         logger =TAILQ_NEXT(logger, entries);
         thread_store_node =TAILQ_NEXT(thread_store_node, entries);

     return TM_ECODE_OK;


在 2018年03月21日 20:27, Victor Julien 写道:
> On 21-03-18 12:03, zhangqs wrote:
>> Thanks Victor, but i still confuse about how the data write into the
>> disk after FTP parse, where the app-layer-ftp call the
>> logFilestoreLogger? I only find the below relations:
>> LogFilestoreLogger--->LogFilestoreRegister--->OutputRegisterLoggers--->TmModuleLoggerRegister-->RegisterAllModules-->PostConfLoadedSetup-->Main()
> The path is indirect:
> If you look at flow-worker.c:FlowWorker you can see that each packet
> goes through the same steps:
> 1. flow handle
> 2. tcp tracking/reassembly and app-layer (this includes FTP)
> 3. detect
> 4. outputs by a call to OutputLoggerLog.
> The OutputLoggerLog then runs all output modules that are enabled by the
> config.
> Cheers,
> Victor
>> Best regards,
>> Kris
>> 在 2018年03月21日 05:12, Victor Julien 写道:
>>> On 19-03-18 10:34, zhangqs wrote:
>>>> Hi guys,
>>>> I have been struggling a few days to the function file extraction,  the
>>>> reference doc is:
>>>> http://suricata.readthedocs.io/en/latest/file-extraction/file-extraction.html?highlight=ftp.
>>>> The protocol that I want to use is FTP.
>>>> 1) Suricata version is latest that cloned from github.
>>>> 2) I setup the suricata.yaml: file-store.enabled: yes
>>>> 3) I create a rule file hello.rules, its content is:
>>>> alert http any any -> any any (msg:"FILE store all"; filestore;
>>>> sid:1; rev:1;)
>>>> 4) ./configure --prefix=/usr/ --sysconfdir=/etc/ --localstatedir=/var/
>>>> 5) make && make install
>>>> My testing pcap is in the attachment. but I cannot find the
>>>> file(Music.mp3) was extracted and saved into the disk
>>>> (/var/log/suricata/files/).
>>>> Has anybody ever been successful about extraction FTP file into disk?
>>>> And then I read the code, and cannot find which code is responsible for
>>>> saving file into the disk?
>>>> I guess the process is:
>>>> FTPDataParseRequest-->FTPDataParse-->FileOpenFile|FileAppendData-->StreamingBuffer
>>>> but the data is still in memory, where is save the StreamingBuffer into
>>>> the disk?
>>> It's stored by the filestore output module. This is defined in
>>> src/log-filestore.c where the main logging function is LogFilestoreLogger
>>> The API this runs on top of is in output-filedata.c: OutputFiledataLog

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