[Oisf-devel] Fwd: Missing wpcap.dll after clean install of Suricata.

Robin Murison robin.murison at yahoo.co.uk
Sat Feb 16 16:49:56 UTC 2019


I suspect I have had intruders in the past as code has been changed with 
no assistance form me. I have reinstalled my OS since then but I am 
unsure how the intruders got in so I guess there is still a huge hole in 
my defences, (Ah yes that would be Windows 10). Hence why I want to use 
Suricata and OSSEC. to help plug the holes or at least spot when they 
are used.

I have just installed Suricata on Windows 10. Downloaded from: 

I checked the signature and used Kaspersky Application Advisor to check 
the checksum of the application MD5: 398877fd695da411ee473cdacb75490d

And yet when I run it, it complains wpcap.dll is missing.

Unfortunately Suricata does not work. I am guessing something may be 
blocking the install. I have not come across a published installer that 
does not work.

As for OSSEC Kaspersky Application Advisor has never heard of the file 
or the PGP file

ossec-agent-win32-3.2.0-6132.exe has never been heard of by Kaspersky 
Application Advisor and when I try to use Kleopatra to check the PGP 
file it gives the error, although the hashes do match.

Robin Murison

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From: Robin Murison <robin.murison at yahoo.co.uk>
Subject: Missing wpcap.dll after clean install of Suricata.
Date: Wed, 13 Feb 2019 14:41:19 +0000
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