[Oisf-devel] Rule usage issues

David Wharton oisf at davidwharton.us
Fri Jan 31 03:13:44 UTC 2020

At SuriCon this year there was a talk [1] that covered "Better Enhanced 
Teleological and Taxonomic Embedded Rules Schema" (BETTER) [2], a schema 
and standard for embedding metadata in Suricata Rules.  It includes a 
"priority" key with finite values "high", "medium", "low", "info", and 
"research" [3].

I know Secureworks [4] has an "enhanced" BETTER Suricata ruleset where 
the BETTER standard has been applied comprehensively and consistently on 
all rules, including having the "priority" metadata key set on every 
rule.  I am not aware of other ruleset vendors who have adopted the 
BETTER standard yet.

Taking a quick look with Aristotle [5] at the latest Emerging Threats 
ruleset, I see less than 27% of the rules with the "signature_severity" 
metadata keyword:

If Emerging Threats is your ruleset provider, I would encourage you to 
encourage them to adopt the BETTER standard for their rules and apply it 
consistently and comprehensively to their ruleset.

-David Wharton

   1. https://youtu.be/6zhwohKQZos 
   2. https://better-schema.readthedocs.io/
   4. I am a Secureworks employee; my personal views are mine alone and 
do not reflect Secureworks’ views or represent an official company position.
   5. https://github.com/secureworks/aristotle/

On 1/30/20 2:14 PM, Francis Trudeau wrote:
> The 'signature_severity' stuff is part of the metadata, which is free
> form, but most of the time it's a key value pair:
> https://suricata.readthedocs.io/en/latest/rules/meta.html#metadata
> So signature_severity isn't an official keyword but rather extra
> information that Emerging Threats (who made the rules you are looking
> at) added to help classify the rule.  The reason other rules might not
> have that is because they were made before the metadata was added by
> default by them.
> On Wed, Jan 29, 2020 at 11:17 PM Star <huzhenming36 at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Happy new year, thanks for reply
>> I have another question
>> How many severity levels does this rule define?
>> Some rules have severity and some do not. Is this not a uniform standard?
>>                                                                                                       Thank You
>> Andreas Herz <aherz at oisf.net> 于2020年1月21日周二 上午3:50写道:
>>> On 19/01/20 at 17:36, Star wrote:
>>>>        What does the signature_severity Major in the suricata default rule
>>>> mean?
>>> That is just a classification of the severity by the rule writer.
>>> This is on a lot of rules so depends mainly on the context.
>>> --
>>> Andreas Herz
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