[Oisf-users] Hi All

Brant Wells bwells at tfc.edu
Mon Jan 18 03:14:51 UTC 2010


I look forward to helping out.  At the moment, I'm running Suricata in IDS mode, while I have Snort running in in-line mode to actively protect my network.  When Suricata gets to be production (or even remotely stable), I'll be happy to run it live!

I enjoy working live with other folks as well, so if anybody wants to test code or what-not that they're working on, let me know privately and I'll get you my MSN or Google Talk address.

I can likely get us hooked up with a steady supply of packet captures (I have a network stream-to-disk utility).  I've built my own network monitoring system using a mix of tools (Snort, Gulp), along with a couple of PHP scripts that I've written to log other pertinent things as well.

I will have to get it cleared with the IT Team before I can actually supply the PCAP files, but once I do, I'll be happy to send them to whoever.

Thanks guys & I look forward to working with you!

On Jan 17, 2010, at 8:13 PM, Will Metcalf wrote:


This is exactly the sort of thing we are looking for!  If you would be willing to test the engine and provide us with feedback it would be greatly beneficial. Additionally if anybody else has any feedback good or bad please share it with us.  Maybe this is good time to re-introduce the question of what are list subscribers looking for in an IDP solution that isn't there today?  What problems are you having in your environments that are not being addressed by existing tools etc?  I cannot guarantee that we will be able to pull off everything that you guys request but this sort of feedback is like gold to us.


On Sun, Jan 17, 2010 at 11:04 AM, Brant Wells <bwells at tfc.edu<mailto:bwells at tfc.edu>> wrote:
Hey Everybody,

I've been a Network guy for a few years and have been a snort user for the last year or so.  I'm not a C programmer or anything fancy like that, but I look forward to helping out in any way that I can!

I run a small college network of about 1100 users during an active semester.  So I have plenty of data and information to test suricata against!

Anyhow, I hope this finds yawl well!

See Yas!

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