[Oisf-wg-ruleslanguage] Seperating Matching from Actions

Nick Rogness oisf at rogness.net
Fri Aug 7 23:54:21 UTC 2009

Regardless of the language, I have a suggestion more on the semantics
side.  Would it make sense to seperate the matching and actions pieces
of the rules to use a more modular (reusable) rules language.

# Matching criteria
match WWW {
   proto: TCP
   port: 80

  include WWW
  content: "SOME_EXPLOIT"

match LOCAL_WWW {
  include WWW
  ipsrc: $HOME_NET

# Perform actions/call plugins/etc
match_rule (WWW_EXPLOIT && ! LOCAL_WWW) {
   action: reset
   plugin: report_exploit_to_cluster

match_rule (LOCAL_WWW) {
   action: allow

This allows users to reuse/inherit matching and lets users build their
own logic for a sequence of things to do when matches occur.  What do
you all think?


Nick Rogness

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