[Oisf-users] Suricata 1.4 Rule set up and update

Peter Manev petermanev at gmail.com
Wed Feb 6 07:50:47 UTC 2013

On Wed, Feb 6, 2013 at 8:36 AM, Jutaro Kajita <j.kajita at espeid.jp> wrote:

> I read through the online documentation of Suricata1.4 on OISF page but I
> couldn't find the actual article that deals with
> live rule hot swap previously dealt with in 1.3 version.\
you mean you couldn't find that article ? or is it something else you were
referring to?

> Is there any configuration in suricata.yaml file or in oinkmaster.conf
> while I am using Oinkmater as the rule manager?
> I couldn't renew the rule set after I started Suricata engine as
> $suricata -c /etc/suricata/suricata.yaml -i <eth0> -D
> though I created example ".rule" file in the rule directory and made small
> change in the rule file.
> I think this means if I use Suricata as IPS on a remote server, I won't
> get new rules to work because stopping Suricata means  stopping queueing.
> Thanks in Advance.
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Peter Manev
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