[OISF/outreachy] Installation of Suricata

Jason Ish jason.ish at oisf.net
Sun Mar 17 14:18:21 UTC 2019

Hello Himanshi,

On 2019-03-16 5:43 a.m., Himanshi Mathur via Outreachy wrote:
> Ma'am
> I am not able to access the following commands from the installation 
> guidelines
> ./configure --enable-ipfw --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc --localstatedir=/var
> ipfw add 100 divert 8000 ip from any to any
> suricata -c config_file.yaml -d 8000
> It says command not found but what I googled is that ipfw command is "OS 
> X v10.5.1 and later include an application firewall you can use to 
> control connections on a per-application basis (rather than a per-port 
> basis)." So I don't know how to use these commands for my complete 
> installation process. Could someone help me with these commands or if 
> somebody has already installed it in macOSX.

The --enable-ipfw is only required if you wish to run inline, or in IPS 
mode.  But it is not required for basic IDS operation.  Unless you know 
for sure you need inline mode, you can probably drop that option for 
now, and skip the "ipfw" command.


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