[OISF/outreachy] General assistance about the projects

Shivani Bhardwaj sbhardwaj at openinfosecfoundation.org
Mon Mar 18 13:39:13 UTC 2019

Hellooo all the potential Outreachy interns!

This is a general assistance mail following the recent questions of
similar pattern on the mailing list.

Bug tracker
Please find the bugs with status "New" here:

If the ticket status is "Assigned", it means someone is already working on it.
If the ticket status is "Feedback", it means it is completed from the
applicant's side and is waiting mentors' approval.

The tracker link above contains bugs relevant to all the three open projects.

Asking questions
Please ask any questions to the entire mailing list and not to a
particular mentor. All the mentors reside in different time zones so
your query is likely to be answered quickly by either of them and/or
other applicants if you send it to the mailing list.

Similarly, while replying to any emails, please do a "Reply-all".

PR approval
Please be patient about getting your PRs approved. Also, note that if
one mentor approves and later the other one raises a concern, you may
be asked to re-do your work with whatever seems the best approach
after discussion.

Make sure to have only one ticket assigned to you at a time. Please
wait for your PR approval before moving ahead with other tickets.

Open projects
We have three open projects out of which suricata-update is getting
the most number of applicants. We encourage all of you to have a look
at other projects as well and find out if they seem interesting to you
and maybe try and make a contribution there?

OISF is going to select one intern for this round and it shall be
solely based on the their contributions. This means if you have
already fixed one or two very basic problems, maybe its time to move
ahead and take up a little more advanced problem so that you get a
better understanding of the project and the level of your
contributions increases.

Deadline to submit a completed application is April 2, 2019.

Looking forward to some more valuable contributions from all of you.
Please feel free to ask any questions.
Good luck and be happy contributing! :)

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