[OISF/outreachy] Next steps with Suricata

Sumera Priyadarsini sylphrenadin at gmail.com
Sat Nov 7 21:21:32 UTC 2020

Hi all,

The Outreachy application period has ended and I had a great time, thanks
to all mentors and fellow interns who have been very helpful throughout the
process. Could not have asked for a more beginner friendly org. Going
forward, I have a few questions/doubts:

1. I am still working on an issue
<https://redmine.openinfosecfoundation.org/issues/3953?tab=history> and was
wondering if you will be considering PRs for outreachy till November 23rd?
We got a mail saying we could record PRs we make even after the
contribution period but that is not considered by some orgs, hence my query.

2. If we have any doubts regarding tickets, should we discuss them on

3. What is the procedure to claim issues once this round this over and we
cannot use the mailing list anymore?

Since I was unsure if I should ask here, I made a WIP PR
<https://github.com/OISF/suricata/pull/5548> for the issue. I am sorry for
taking so long only to come up with an incomplete PR, and I will remove it
if not allowed. :-)

Warm regards,
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