[OISF/outreachy] Suricata installation failure

Juliana Fajardini Reichow jufajardini at gmail.com
Sun Nov 8 12:31:31 UTC 2020

Le dim. 8 nov. 2020 à 09:07, Claudius Muzimba via Outreachy <
outreachy at lists.openinfosecfoundation.org> a écrit :

> Hello
> I'm trying to install suricata(vs 3.1, 4 and 5) in Ubuntu 18.04 and 20.10
> and it's falling to install when I do the command *make && make
> install-full. *When I do install suricata in Ubuntu 16.04 it's does work
> but the problem is with my vb guest additions, I'm restricted to working
> with a small screen which I do not like that's why I switched to ubuntu 18
> and the 20.
> [image: Screenshot (18).png]
> Hey Claudius,

It seems to me that you are facing some incompatibilities regarding
architecture, because the error mentions

> i386 architecture of input file is incompatible with i386 x86-64 output

and from what I could find this happens when you are trying to build from
32bits architecture when it should actually be 64bits (at least, that's
what the makefile expects, it seems.

To be honest, I don't know how to *solve* this, but I believe it would be
helpful if you could tell us what architecture does your computer (or VM if
that is the case) have.

You can do that by running the command-line lscpu. When I run it, mine
shows these first two lines, for instance:

> Architecture:                    x86_64
> CPU op-mode(s):                  32-bit, 64-bit

Sorry for not giving you any more conclusive answers, I'll try to dig into
it a bit more, and reach back, in case you weren't able to resolve it in
the mean time.

Wish you a great Sunday! :)


Above is the error that I'm getting. All help is appreciated.
> thank you.
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Juliana Fajardini Reichow
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