[OISF/outreachy] Greetings

Shivani Bhardwaj sbhardwaj at openinfosecfoundation.org
Thu Oct 8 11:57:41 UTC 2020

Hi, Tharushi!

On Thu, Oct 8, 2020 at 5:13 PM Tharushi Jayasekara <tharushi68 at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Shivani,
> I proceeded to claim the issue https://redmine.openinfosecfoundation.org/issues/3250. However, my previous PR is failing some checks. Could you let me know how I could rectify this?
Please make sure you only have one "active" ticket assigned to you at
a time. If your PR is failing checks, it means it's not done and is
most likely incorrect. Please fix that first, wait for review from one
of the mentors and if they request only minor changes e.g. change in
commit message, typos, etc, you can go ahead and claim another issue
after asking on the mailing list (to make sure no one else has written
before you to claim that issue). This does not mean that you can leave
the first PR unattended, please make sure every PR is always updated
as per mentors' feedback.
You'll find all these guidelines under the section "Instructions to
make a contribution" under the project name on the Outreachy
Junior Developer, OISF

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