[OISF/outreachy] Please claim the tickets on redmine if you want to work on them

Shivani Bhardwaj sbhardwaj at openinfosecfoundation.org
Tue Oct 13 09:58:40 UTC 2020

Hello, potential Outreachy interns!

Some of you have made the claim on the mailing list for some tickets
but have not assigned them to yourself on redmine. Please make sure to
do so. It becomes easier for us to check available tickets that way.
We have limited beginner level Python tickets and it would be nice to
know if someone is working or not working on a ticket so we can allow
them to be assigned to the new applicants.
It will also help us to avoid the mistake of allowing two people to
work on the same thing.

Thank you. Keep up the good work! We are looking forward to your contributions.
Junior Developer, OISF

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