[OISF/outreachy] Help with running suricata-update locally

Shivani Bhardwaj sbhardwaj at openinfosecfoundation.org
Fri Oct 16 09:46:34 UTC 2020

Hi, Riju!

On Fri, Oct 16, 2020 at 4:41 AM Riju Khatri via Outreachy
<outreachy at lists.openinfosecfoundation.org> wrote:
> Hi,
> I was working on the issue #3205, which is part of suricata-update. I have the change ready, however just to see it once I’d like to run suricata-update locally. I went through a couple of docs, but couldn’t find the steps to run it locally. Could someone guide me on this?
You need to go into your suricata-update repo directory and do
"./bin/suricata-update". That's it. Let me know if you run into any

> Also, would the commits for this also have to be made to git checkout -b bug-fix-7823/v1 master (as per the steps mentioned on the Outreachy website under Initial Setup), or would this be on a different branch since this one is for suricata-update.
All branches can be named according to what they're fixing since
naming can get tedious, one of the easy ways of defining branch names
is as per the issue numbers that they resolve.
"/v1" that you see at the end of the branch name is because to
maintain clear history, we ask for a new branch for any revisions made
to the code. So, if v1 had some changes requested, you would create a
new branch v2 and address those changes and so on. For your case for
example, it would be OK to name the branch "opt-7823/v1" (since it is
an optimization ticket). But, please note that this was just an
example of creating and working in a new branch. It is not at all a
hard requirement. You can name your branch whatever you want to, just
make a new branch for new revisions.

> Kind Regards,
> Riju
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Junior Developer, OISF

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