[OISF/outreachy] Feature #3082

Claudius Muzimba claudiusmuzimba4 at gmail.com
Thu Oct 22 07:46:32 UTC 2020

I have managed to set up my working environment by installing suricata and
then cloning suricata-verify in the same directory with suricata, thanks to
your help.
Now I'm facing a challenge, how do I get started? I don't quite understand
issue #3082. I have two questions to ask.

1. how do we check if http evaders tests are passing or they're not.
2. how can we declare HTTP_EVADER_OK.

forgive me if I do not fully understand this project, I'm still new and I'm
trying to learn and fully understand what we are working on.
Any clarification on task #3082 will be fully appreciated

thank you
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