[Discussion] Rules Syntax

Matt Jonkman jonkman at jonkmans.com
Sun Dec 21 18:11:02 UTC 2008

Claudio Criscione wrote:
> Well, what about:
> "if someone in my organization has never started any ftp traffic in the last 
> three months starts an ftp connection, notify me and start watching more 
> carefully that person. "

I like this too. How do we store that kind of data for long term? Even
if we were to just store last timestamp we saw that port in use on this
IP that'd be a significant amount of data on the average net to go back
months, no?

How do we go after that then? (Call to the db experts out there)

Use a sliding scale so as the user-defined storage space allocated fills
up older data drops out?

Use a limited range of ports, and/or group together high port ranges?

>  - Someone vs some machine
> Using the IP address is still the only way to go in most cases, but we need 
> more sophisticate means to identify who's who as networks evolve (think about 
> whole cities behind a NAT)

I think we should think more inside the firewall for these issues, no?

There are ways, and several commercial products that track a user to an
IP in realtime. Cisco I believe does, and others surely. LDAP
integration/AD, netbios login monitoring, etc. It's possible, but it's a
big thing to tackle. And likely we'd have patent conflicts. We can
explore that though if there's a large enough driver to get it. Thoughts?

> - in the last three monts can actually be translated to "is not used to" 
> or "does not usually"
> The issue with statistical approaches is that you really have to develope 
> custom models. What about "signature based statistical models"?

Yes, statistical approaches are tough. I'd like to see what is available
out there in this area these days as far as open research. As I
mentioned, I think it'll be a good use of some of our grant money to
contract or grant fund a real statistician or group of such. Maybe we
could get it made into a class project at a university somewhere under
the guidance of an experienced statistician.

> - "watching more carefully"
> I'm not sure we always want the same "resolution" on network traffic, and I 
> feel it would be great to be able to zoom on suspicious activity 
> automatically without having to carry the burden of logging everything 
> everytime

Another good point. Most folks these days do that with rotating
tcpdumps, but you're time limited there. If you don't get to that alert
before the pcap rotates out you've lost it. Are there better approaches
out there?


Matthew Jonkman
Emerging Threats
Phone 765-429-0398
Fax 312-264-0205

PGP: http://www.jonkmans.com/mattjonkman.asc

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