[Discussion] What are we making? -- CLIENT Side

Frank Knobbe frank at knobbe.us
Mon Oct 20 01:36:11 UTC 2008

On Sun, 2008-10-19 at 14:30 -0500, Martin Holste wrote:
> Right, but I envision the XML to be the source that scripts would
> parse into whatever is needed, like router config, dns blocklists,
> host files, search engine blacklists, etc.  The key would be to create
> a standard capable of being specific enough to feed the lowest common
> demoninator.

Just be aware that there are lots and lots of hostile IP's. I'm not sure
XML is the proper format to deliver those since that data file would
balloon quite drastically :)


It is said that the Internet is a public utility. As such, it is best
compared to a sewer. A big, fat pipe with a bunch of crap sloshing
against your ports.

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