[Discussion] Discussion Digest, Vol 1, Issue 14

Andre Ludwig aludwig at packetspy.com
Tue Oct 21 19:06:35 UTC 2008

Hash: SHA256

I dont think we should worry about vendors, their stupidity, and their 
lack of competence.

What we should worry about is focusing on producing technology that 
works, given the vast sum of experience and ideas in this group.

We need less save the world, and more change the world.  I would hate to 
see this group get sidetracked with "save the world" projects that 
produce little to nothing of an end result.  This is our opportunity as 
a group to move an entire industry in a direction we deem "best", lets 
not squander it by attempting to coordinate with vendors on end user 
configuration issues or other worthwhile but less disruptive practices.

(This is just my take, everyone is entitled to their own views of 
course.  I am NOT trying to detract from any of the ideas that have been 
presented to date (or in the future).  All of them have their own merit 
and worth of which I may or may not be qualified to judge. )

Andre Ludwig

Jeremy wrote:
> Do we really have to build and worry about the vendors and work out
> their issues for them?  What I could see happening is if this project
> truly builds the next intrusion detection engine with all of the
> intelligent data sharing capabilities as discussed on this list, that
> vendors will be stumbling over themselves to tap into this "cloud" of
> information and will work their own issues out.  If you build it they
> will come, is my take on this.  As long as you provide some sort of
> open API and/or control structure into your "cloud" then I think this
> project will have done their part.
> --jeremy

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