[Discussion] Content-based alert message substitution

Martin Fong martin.fong at sri.com
Fri Feb 6 02:18:46 UTC 2009

Victor Julien wrote:

> Frank Knobbe wrote:
>> alert tcp $EXTERNAL_NET any -> $HOME_NET $HTTP_PORTS (msg:"GET request
>> for $VAR1 detected."; content:"GET "; depth:4;
>> assignvar:offset_4,depth_100,until_space,to_VAR1;)
>> Request "GET /sumthin" results in alert message: "GET request
>> for /sumthin detected."
>> Or something like that... :)
> I got that part, I meant to say I didn't get the points on the list
> except this one and the rules reload one :)
> In my prototype code I can already capture vars using pcre substring
> capturing, although adding an additional way to do this outside of pcre
> could be interesting too:
> alert tcp any any -> any $HTTP_PORTS (msg:"HTTP GET URI cap";
> flow:to_server; content:"GET "; depth:4; pcre:"/^GET
> (?P<pkt_http_uri>.*) HTTP\/\d\.\d\r\n/G"; noalert; sid:1;)
> This captures the http uri into the var "pkt_http_uri", which is stored
> in a packet context. Similarly, "flow_http_uri" stores it in a flow, so
> other packets in the same flow can access it. I'm thinking about adding
> the same for 'global', 'host', 'stream' and maybe more...
> Wrt the alerting, I like this idea, it's pretty simple to implement too.

I've implemented a prototype as a patch and have included some notes
in this e-mail.  The major problem is _where_ to stow derived data.




msg: (parser.c:ParseMessage (char *))

     msg:"*"[, FieldSpecifier]*

FieldSpecifier ::= FieldFormatter '.' FieldName [':' FormatSpecifier]

     EtherHdr eh.ether_{dst,src,type}
     WifiHdr  wifih.{addr[1-4],frame_control,duration_id,seq_control}
     EtherARP ah.ARPHdr ea_hdr.ar_op

     IPHdr    {iph,orig_iph}.ip_{verhl,tos,len,id,off,ttl,proto,csum,src,dst}

     TCPHdr   {tcph,orgi_tcph}.th_{[sd]port,seq,ack,offx2,flags,win,sum,urp}
     u_int8_t *tcp_options_data

     UDPHdr   {udph,orgi_udph}.th_{[sd]port}

     u_int16_t actual_ip_len

preprocessor bhsd_inbound_msg:						\
     "E1[bh] Detected %s %s scan by %s %s of %s IPs: %s",		\
     bhsd.in.ipsweep,							\
     bhsd.in.port_focus,							\
     bhsd.in.scanner_addr,						\
     bhsd.in.SMOI,							\
     bhsd.in.num_IPs							\

preprocessor bhsd_outbound_msg:						\
     "E%s[bh] Detected %s %s port scanning of %s IPs (%s /24s) %s: %s",	\
     bhsd.out.category_type,						\
     bhsd.out.ipsweep,							\
     bhsd.out.port_focus,						\
     bhsd.out.num_IPs,							\
     bhsd.out.num_class_C,						\
     bhsd.out.SMOI,							\

alert tcp $EXTERNAL_NET $SHELLCODE_PORTS -> $HOME_NET [135:139,445]      (msg:"My test rule with %s/%s: %s, %s (%s), %s", test.this.label, test.skip.other, 42, Packet.EtherHdr.ether_type:name, Packet.EtherHdr.ether_type, Packet.EtherHdr.ether_src; 
flow:established;  content:"|3131313131313131313131313131313131313131313131|";  classtype:attempted-admin; reference:url,www.eeye.com/html/research/advisories/AD20040501.html; reference:url,www.upenn.edu/computing/virus/04/w32.sasser.worm.html; 
sid:292000032; rev:99; )

11/14-11:29:45.167337  [**] [1:292000032:99] My test rule with this.label/other: 42, IP protocol (0x0800), 00:21:1C:EE:14:00 [**] [Classification: Attempted Administrator Privilege Gain] [Priority: 1] {TCP} ->
11/14-11:29:47.355986  [**] [1:292000032:99] My test rule with this.label/other: 42, IP protocol (0x0800), 00:21:1C:EE:14:00 [**] [Classification: Attempted Administrator Privilege Gain] [Priority: 1] {TCP} ->


MessageFormat								\
     match:"(^My test.+\\)).*";						\
     replace:"\\1, MAC: %s", Packet.EtherHdr.ether_src

MessageFormat								\
     match:"(^E1\\[bh\\].+ IPs):.*";					\
     replace:"\\1: ANONYMIZED"

MessageFormat								\
     match:"^E[58].+";							\
     replace:"\\&, MAC: %s", Packet.EtherHdr.ether_src
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