[Discussion] OISF Meeting Venue Change

Matt Jonkman jonkman at jonkmans.com
Wed Jul 8 19:15:08 UTC 2009

Due to the overwhelming response for the brainstorming session/public
meeting we've had to change venue. We've already exceeded the
comfortable capacity of the original space, so we've moved to the
Virginian Suites Arlington. This will guarantee everyone has table space
and plenty of room to work. There will still be electricity and internet
available to attendees.

The new venue is just around the corner from the original. You can use
the same metro stop, or parking is available onsite.

Directions are available here:

This also allows us to take in some of the latest RSVP's that we had to
turn away. I believe we've contacted and made all of those turned away
that there is room, but if by chance we missed you please contact me at
jonkman at emergingthreats.net. If you've already booked at the Virginian
Suites for your stay, or intend to, please let me know. We will have
group rates that may be retroactive for existing bookings.

We also now have space for a good deal more attendees, so please let us
know if you'd like to attend. As before we'll have snacks, drinks and
coffee all day and lunch free of charge.

We are very excited about the organizations that are sending individuals
to the meeting from government, military, and the commercial sectors.
Please bring your ideas, what you want your IDS to be able to do, and
we'll get it all on paper!

July 16th, 10am Eastern Time, The Virginian Suites Arlington.


Matthew Jonkman
Emerging Threats
Phone 765-429-0398
Fax 312-264-0205

PGP: http://www.jonkmans.com/mattjonkman.asc

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