[Discussion] Working Groups Setup

Matt Jonkman jonkman at jonkmans.com
Fri Jul 24 17:17:23 UTC 2009

As described in the meeting notes from DC, a great idea was put up to
use working groups to discuss and explore ideas which haven't easy
solutions. There are four working group lists setup. Each will need a
leader and for most we're asking for volunteers.

The group leader will be responsible for steering or sparking
discussion, kicking any overtly disruptive posters, and steering toward
a coherent outcome within the timeframes available. This is a pretty low
maintenance position so please consider volunteering.

Membership in each working group is open to anyone. These are on
separate lists primarily to keep the main oisf lists from turning into
spam engines. If you have any interest or anything you might be able to
contribute to a discussion please consider hopping on and at least
listening to each group.

The groups setup are:

1. IP Reputation
I've taken lead on this group as it's near and dear to my heart. We'll
be discussion the categories of reputation to track, methods, feedback
vetting, etc.

2. Non-Standard Acceleration
The use of OpenCL or Cuda to accelerate the engine using standard
graphics cards and chipsets.

3. Rules Language
This group will discuss the options for a new language in the future,
whether the snort syntax would be extendable enough to support our new
methods, and how to avoid major divergence. A secondary task will be to
discuss whether to and how to offer rule obfuscation for rule writers
that have legal requirements to not disclose vulnerability details.

4. DDoS/Portscan
This group will determine whether we need a new portscan preprocessor,
and whether it would be feasible to build a new DDoS preprocessor.

You can see all of these lists here along with more detailed descriptions.

We need group leaders for groups 2-4. Please email me directly if you're
interested in helping out!



Matthew Jonkman
Emerging Threats
Phone 765-429-0398
Fax 312-264-0205

PGP: http://www.jonkmans.com/mattjonkman.asc

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