[Oisf-devel] Unified2 / MySQL

Will Metcalf william.metcalf at gmail.com
Mon Jan 4 05:09:14 UTC 2010


If you want to dump unified2 to BASE look at barnyard2.

There is also a lot of hype around Snorby, although I haven't tried it Josh
Smith one of the OISF team was talking about putting together a guide on
setting up suricata with snorby.

If you have not taken a look at sguil I highly recommend this as an analysts
console. barnyard2 will output to sguil as well.

After saying all of this, If you can't find something to fit your needs and
decide to crank out a new front-end, we would love to have a look at it ;-).



On Sun, Jan 3, 2010 at 10:29 PM, Rich Rumble <richrumble at gmail.com> wrote:

> What does one use to get Unified2 passed into MySQL, I've read that
> Barnyard hasn't been updated in quite some time and doesn't work with
> Unified2, I see Suricata seems to be logging in both unified and
> unified2... I've always had Snort write to MySQL directly, I've not
> used Mudpit/Flop/Barnyard as of yet, anyone have any tips or
> suggestions? I've always used BASE, however I've been wanting to take
> a crack at a new front-end for Snort for sometime, and I think
> Suricata might be my inspiration if there is indeed a void with
> applications transferring/translating unified2 into SQL. Right now I'm
> tail'ing the fast.log file... If I do dive into a front-end, I'll be
> sure to look at the stats log as well.
> -rich
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