[Oisf-devel] {6} suricata htp HTPHandleResponseData Error

rmkml rmkml at free.fr
Mon Jan 4 04:06:31 UTC 2010

I have one error and one question please.

1) With (joigned) pcap file, I have a htp HTPHandleResponseData Error, why please?
  I start suricata with:
  ./suricata080beta -c suricata.yaml -r suricata_httpparsingresponseerror1.pcap
  I have compiled htp with debug but no more information understand why this error.

2) On file htp-0.2.1/htp/htp_response.c, maybe change this: (req->res)
  int htp_connp_res_data(htp_connp_t *connp, htp_time_t timestamp, unsigned char *data, size_t len) {
  #ifdef HTP_DEBUG
-    fprintf(stderr, "htp_connp_req_data(connp->out_status %x)\n", connp->out_status);
+    fprintf(stderr, "htp_connp_res_data(connp->out_status %x)\n", connp->out_status);
      fprint_raw_data(stderr, __FUNCTION__, data, len);

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