[Oisf-devel] [PATCH 3/8] nfq: use switch instead of 'else if'

Eric Leblond eleblond at edenwall.com
Mon Jan 11 10:11:33 UTC 2010

This patch convert a 'else if' serie to a switch to increase
the readability of the decision related code.

 Please enter the commit message for your changes. Lines starting
 src/source-nfq.c |   34 +++++++++++++++++-----------------
 1 files changed, 17 insertions(+), 17 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/source-nfq.c b/src/source-nfq.c
index 59053ee..144445b 100644
--- a/src/source-nfq.c
+++ b/src/source-nfq.c
@@ -390,25 +390,25 @@ void NFQSetVerdict(NFQThreadVars *t, Packet *p) {
     //printf("%p verdicting on queue %" PRIu32 "\n", t, t->queue_num);
-    if (p->action == ACTION_ALERT) {
-       verdict = NF_ACCEPT;
-    } else if (p->action == ACTION_PASS) {
-       verdict = NF_ACCEPT;
-    } else if (p->action == ACTION_DROP) {
-       verdict = NF_DROP;
-    } else if (p->action == ACTION_REJECT ||
-               p->action == ACTION_REJECT_DST ||
-               p->action == ACTION_REJECT_BOTH){
-       verdict = NF_DROP;
-    } else {
-       /* a verdict we don't know about, drop to be sure */
-       verdict = NF_DROP;
-    }
+    switch (p->action) {
+        case ACTION_ALERT:
+        case ACTION_PASS:
+            verdict = NF_ACCEPT;
 #ifdef COUNTERS
-    if (verdict == NF_ACCEPT) t->accepted++;
-    if (verdict == NF_DROP) t->dropped++;
+            t->accepted++;
 #endif /* COUNTERS */
+            break;
+        case ACTION_REJECT:
+        case ACTION_REJECT_DST:
+        case ACTION_REJECT_BOTH:
+        case ACTION_DROP:
+        default:
+            /* a verdict we don't know about, drop to be sure */
+            verdict = NF_DROP;
+#ifdef COUNTERS
+            t->dropped++;
+#endif /* COUNTERS */
+    }
     ret = nfq_set_verdict(t->qh, p->nfq_v.id, verdict, 0, NULL);

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