[Oisf-devel] Cash

Matt Jonkman jonkman at jonkmans.com
Thu Mar 11 18:53:51 UTC 2010

I have paid all outstanding invoices, you should have cash shortly.
Endace came through and prepaid some consulting time for us. Some of you
will get taskings to help repay that, but it'll be very interesting
work. Mostly building a curriculum to train folks on suricata and rule
writing. Something we have to do anyway. And some of you may end up
going places to give this training should you be willing.

Thanks for holding on for a few weeks there everyone. I really
appreciate it.


Matthew Jonkman
Emerging Threats
Open Information Security Foundation (OISF)
Phone 765-429-0398
Fax 312-264-0205

PGP: http://www.jonkmans.com/mattjonkman.asc

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