[Oisf-devel] Logging alerts to syslog

Randal T. Rioux randy at procyonlabs.com
Tue Feb 1 06:41:30 UTC 2011

Disclosure: I work for ArcSight/HP.

Currently supported SmartConnectors:

Snort DB 		2010-09-24
Snort File (Legacy) 	2010-09-24
Snort Multiple File 	2010-09-24
Snort Syslog 		2010-09-24
Snort/Barnyard File	2010-02-11

Unified2 is not supported and I have no updates. ULF (Unified1) is.

I am working on the CEF output plugin for Barnyard2 though.


On 1/26/2011 12:05 PM, Joshua White - Everis Inc wrote:
> Pablo,
> I'm not aware of that capability, however our clients don't necessarilly have 
> the most up to date version of arcsight either. The standard practice they 
> have become accustomed to is to modify a rather generic connector that reads 
> syslog. Obviously your limited to the length of a single syslog record but 
> most relevant information can be crammed in. 
> I'll look more into a connector for unified output, but even if it exists I 
> doubt our customers will upgrade.
> Josh
> On Wednesday, January 26, 2011 11:54:30 am Pablo wrote:
>> Hi Josh, out of curiosity, so arcsight doesn't have a connector for
>> snort unified output? Sometime ago I read that they did a patch for
>> barnyard, and I guess this makes the process of collection a bit
>> longer/complex. Am I wrong? Has this changed?
>> Thanks
>> 2011/1/26 Joshua White - Everis Inc <jwhite at everisinc.com>:
>>> I'm interested in this as well, if we can log alerts to syslog then we
>>> can write an arcsight connector that much easier.
>>> Josh
>>> On Wednesday, January 26, 2011 08:25:57 am Martin Beyer wrote:
>>>> Hi all,
>>>> is it planned to add support for logging alerts to syslog anytime soon?
>>>> Currently syslog only works for start/stop messages right? Would be nice
>>>> to have the possibility of logging alerts to syslog.
>>>> Regards
>>>>    Martin

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