[Oisf-devel] OISF Brainstorming Session at RSA! Don't forget to RSVP!

Matthew Jonkman jonkman at emergingthreatspro.com
Thu Feb 3 00:58:45 UTC 2011

A polite reminder, please RSVP for the OISF Brainstorming session at RSA in San Francisco, Wednesday February 16, 2011. We will start about noon, a light lunch will be available. Please let us know if you'll attend so we can plan accordingly. 
If you are not already planning to attend RSA use code 1411EISFXPO to register for an expo only pass (normally $100) at http://www.rsaconference.com.  

We will be in room 133 North.  We hope to see you there!

To RSVP please email meeting at openinfosecfoundation.org



Matthew Jonkman
Emerging Threats Pro
Open Information Security Foundation (OISF)
Phone 765-807-8630
Fax 312-264-0205

PGP: http://www.jonkmans.com/mattjonkman.asc

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