[Oisf-devel] Linux af-packet::mmap enhancement

chetan loke loke.chetan at gmail.com
Thu Jun 23 15:35:29 UTC 2011

On Thu, Jun 23, 2011 at 10:58 AM, Victor Julien <victor at inliniac.net> wrote:
> On 06/23/2011 04:41 PM, chetan loke wrote:
>> On Thu, Jun 23, 2011 at 3:03 AM, Victor Julien <victor at inliniac.net> wrote:
>>> On 06/22/2011 08:30 PM, chetan loke wrote:
>> Correct me if I'm wrong. But what this support means is, for exploiting FANOUT,
>> one needs to open multiple af-packet sockets for a single monitoring interface?
> Doesn't need to, but can. This way we have several CPU/core pinned
> threads read packets from the same interface. We support this with
> pfring's clusters and it's working very well for performance.

I just read all the emails related to this on netdev to make sure I
don't waste your time.
Oki, so, if there is only 1 af-packet::socket listener for a
monitoring interface then
FANOUT is moot.

To exploit FANOUT one will need to have '1+' af-packet listeners for a
single monitoring
interface. That way:
a) as you mentioned above, one can also pin the threads to CPU::cores.
b) you can also maintain flow-context with a thread-parser.

With PACKET_FANOUT_HASH I see one problem :
Since traffic profile is not known in advance, there could be cases
where some threads
could be lightly loaded with flows and others could be heavily loaded.
example - When particular VLAN[s] is[are] heavily loaded then that
thread will get bogged down.

With PACKET_FANOUT_LB I see another problem:
We cannot maintain flow-context as mentioned in b) above.

But let's say if we don't implement FANOUT then user-space can infact
achieve both HASH+LB.
If it's not present already, I can export the pre-computed 'rx_hash'
in the libpcap-descriptor/pkt-header.
Once the packet hits suricata, we can steer it an old-thread(who
already is working on this flow)
or round-robin it to the next available thread to achieve load-balance.

Again, my understanding could be limited because I haven't looked at
the code yet. So please ignore
if flow-load distribution is already taken care off in some other way
for these cases with pf_ring.

> Cheers,
> Victor

Chetan Loke

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