[Oisf-devel] [PATCH 2/3] TLS handshake: decode the SERVER_CERTIFICATE message

Pierre Chifflier pierre.chifflier at ssi.gouv.fr
Fri Nov 4 12:05:25 UTC 2011

On 11/01/2011 09:37 AM, Victor Julien wrote:
> On 10/25/2011 02:10 PM, Pierre Chifflier wrote:
>> Add a decoder for the SERVER_CERTIFICATE during a TLS handshake, extracts the
>> certificates and keep the subject name.
>> Add the tls.subject keyword for substring match in rules (TLS layer).
>> Signed-off-by: Pierre Chifflier <pierre.chifflier at ssi.gouv.fr>
>> ---
>>  src/Makefile.am            |    2 +
>>  src/app-layer-ssl.c        |   38 ++++++-
>>  src/app-layer-ssl.h        |    8 ++
>>  src/decode-tls-handshake.c |   90 +++++++++++++++
>>  src/decode-tls-handshake.h |   31 +++++
> These files should either be named "util-decode-tls-handshake.*" or
> "app-layer-tls-handshake.*".
> the "decode-" prefix is reserved for the packet decoders, and the tls
> decoders don't run on packets but on the reassembled stream.

I suppose you are only refering to the 2 last files only. They really
work on reassembled packets(TLS records), the stream is reassembled in

Since I would like to propose a rename of some files (in a later patch),
it would be nice to use the same convention. What do you think of using:
src/decode-tls-handshake.c => src/app-layer-tls-handshake.c
src/decode-tls-handshake.h => src/app-layer-tls-handshake.h

and then in another patch:
src/app-layer-ssl.c => src/app-layer-tls.c
src/app-layer-ssl.h => src/app-layer-tls.h

>> +        tls->subject = strdup(tmp_str);
> Please use SCStrdup here.



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