[Oisf-devel] file extraction -- Re: [COMMIT] OISF branch, master, updated. a556338936ad3cd2b0379a6985fb62084368d99e

Chris Wakelin c.d.wakelin at reading.ac.uk
Tue Nov 29 17:39:24 UTC 2011

On 29/11/11 17:28, Victor Julien wrote:
> On 11/29/2011 06:20 PM, Chris Wakelin wrote:
>>> Finally there is the filestore keyword. It is the simplest of all: if
>>> the rule matches, the files will be written to disk.
>> I've been trying this with a few pcaps. However, I've found if I've
>> added "filestore" to some rules, it seems to write files even when they
>> don't match.
> What rules have you modified for it?

The "Scalaxy" ones I submitted to ET (well actually slightly newer

alert http $HOME_NET any -> $EXTERNAL_NET any (msg:"RDG Probable Scalaxy
exploit kit secondary request"; flow:established,to_server; content:"/";
http_uri; offset:2; depth:3; content:"?pdf="; http_uri; distance:32;
within:37; fast_pattern; pcre:"/\/[a-z]\/[0-9a-f]{32}\?pdf=/U";
filestore; classtype:bad-unknown; sid:378000130; rev:3;)

alert http $HOME_NET any -> $EXTERNAL_NET any (msg:"RDG Probable Scalaxy
exploit kit Java or PDF exploit request"; flow:established,to_server;
content:"/"; http_uri; offset:2; depth:3; urilen:35;
pcre:"/\/[a-z]\/[0-9a-f]{32}$/U"; filestore; classtype:bad-unknown;
sid:378000131; rev:3;)

alert http $HOME_NET any -> $EXTERNAL_NET any (msg:"RDG Scalaxy exploit
kit binary download request"; flow:established,to_server; content:"/";
http_uri; offset:2; depth:3; content:"/"; http_uri; within:3; urilen:37;
pcre:"/\/[a-z]\/[0-9]\/[0-9a-f]{32}$/U"; filestore;
classtype:trojan-activity; sid:378000133; rev:5;)

alert http $EXTERNAL_NET any -> $HOME_NET any (msg:"RDG Obfuscated
Base64 in Javascript - probably Scalaxy exploit kit";
flow:established,from_server; content:"|3d 22|"; depth:1000;
distance:0;content:"|2b 2f 3d 22 3b|"; distance:62; within:67;
fast_pattern; content:"<<18|7c|"; within:500; content:"<<12|7c|";
within:13; content:"<<6|7c|"; within:13; filestore;
classtype:bad-unknown; sid:378000134; rev:2;)

My "Scalaxy" pcaps do what I expected, but a pcap of a Blackhole exploit
kit download also gets the file saved:

11/17/2011-18:00:51.681852 verdert.in [**] /w.php?f=16&e=1 [**]
Mozilla/4.0 (Windows 7 6.1) Java/1.6.0_22 [**] <no referer> [**] GET
[**] HTTP/1.1 [**] 200 [**] 111759 bytes [**] x.x.x.x:n.n.n.n ->

11/17/2011-18:00:51.129276  [**] [1:2012169:6] ET TROJAN Potential
Blackhole Exploit Pack Binary Load Request [**] [Classification:
Potentially Bad Traffic] [Priority: 2] {TCP} x.x.x.x:n.n.n.n ->
11/17/2011-18:00:51.809190  [**] [1:2011582:10] ET POLICY Vulnerable
Java Version 1.6.x Detected [**] [Classification: Potentially Bad
Traffic] [Priority: 2] {TCP} x.x.x.x:n.n.n.n ->

>> I've got a couple of examples of truncated files as well, even with
>> libhtp/default-config/response-body-limit: 0
>> stream/reassembly/depth: 0
>> though it's possible, I suppose, that the pcaps are broken.
> There are some of those, but it can also be an issue in our code. Things
> can break on the stream level, in the http parsing level and finally in
> the file handling itself :)

I'll have a dig through them with wireshark to check.

Best Wishes,

Christopher Wakelin,                           c.d.wakelin at reading.ac.uk
IT Services Centre, The University of Reading,  Tel: +44 (0)118 378 2908
Whiteknights, Reading, RG6 6AF, UK              Fax: +44 (0)118 975 3094

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