[Oisf-devel] Suricata 1.1beta3 and suppress (threshold.conf)

David.R.Wharton at regions.com David.R.Wharton at regions.com
Mon Oct 31 16:19:49 UTC 2011

I updated to Suricata version 1.1beta3 (rev 30d84ab) from 1.1beta2 (rev 
bc5c9f4) and now my suppress statements in threshold.conf don't seem to be 
working as expected.  They seem to be loading OK:

(util-threshold-config.c:878) <Info> (SCThresholdConfParseFile) -- 
Threshold config parsed: 212 rule(s) found
(util-threshold-config.c:191) <Info> (SCThresholdConfInitContext) -- 
Global thresholding options defined

Suppression was working before, but after updating, I'm seeing alerts on 
events that should be suppressed.  Anyone else getting this?


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