[Oisf-devel] Help with XFF

Martin Holste mcholste at gmail.com
Wed Aug 15 13:42:13 UTC 2012

>> -  Overwrite the srcip of the logged packet by the XFF IP if the
>> suricata administrator decides to activate this feature via the
>> suricata.yaml file.
>>   -- Pros: simple to implement, no need to modify barnyard2
>>   -- Cons: we overwrite the original IP (however if the suricata
>> administrator decides to activate this feature it is because there is a
>> reverse proxy which performs SNAT and terminates the HTTP or HTTPS
>> inbound connections and adds the XFF header, so I see no need to keep
>> the actual src ip - the one of the reverse proxy)
> I don't like this solution.

I don't either, but it's the best one.  Even if the unified2 format
were changed to record this info, no consoles are going to show them
the XFF.  From a developer's perspective, it's a terrible idea, but as
an incident responder, it's necessary to provide value to the IR team.

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