[Oisf-devel] [COMMIT] OISF annotated tag, suricata-1.3.1, created. suricata-1.3.1

noreply at openinfosecfoundation.org noreply at openinfosecfoundation.org
Tue Aug 21 07:19:08 UTC 2012

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script. It was
generated because a ref change was pushed to the repository containing
the project "OISF".

The annotated tag, suricata-1.3.1 has been created
        at  29913b957735a688a879d32d5ddac8c574e52888 (tag)
   tagging  e28835af9199d868212c2de5b04b5c1fdc9b3372 (commit)
  replaces  suricata-1.3
 tagged by  Victor Julien
        on  Tue Aug 21 09:18:35 2012 +0200

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
Tag 1.3.1
Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (GNU/Linux)


Anoop Saldanha (8):
      bug #496 - don't warn about offset/depth for packet sigs
      bug 499 - update host os info enum map to use - instead of _ + add new unittests
      Set thread name Suricata-Main for main thread and LiveRuleSwap for live swap thread
      if a sig's set as stream sig only, don't updated it as both stream and pkt sig if offset/depth's present
      invalidate sigs if depth > content_length
      bug 508 - List (ack | cwr | ecn) combination to be accepted by our stream engine.
      bug #466 - Updated getticks() to serialize execution of rdtsc with cpuid
      Update fast_pattern engine to not use negated content as fast_pattern if we have non-negated content in the sig.

Eric Leblond (5):
      defrag: use IP ID in hash
      af-packet: loop on ring if there is data to read.
      tls: fix keyword regular expression
      af-packet: fix reconnect code
      stream-tcp: no checksum alert if validation is off

Victor Julien (15):
      Windows build and other misc fixes.
      flow: remove unused prune-flows option
      stream: improve TCP flags handling
      Use SCFree instead of free in DER decoder.
      profiling: fix 'match' counter sometimes not incrementing. #460.
      Bug #510. Produce error if max-pending-packets is higher than 65534.
      http: add more decoding unittests.
      stream: fix unittest broken by new flags handling.
      stream: handle case where Suricata sees 3whs-ACK but server doesn't. Bug #523.
      rule analyzer: fix fast pattern analyzer reporting wrong filename (same as rule analyzer).
      Only set SIG_FLAG_REQUIRE_STREAM if signature inspects TCP.
      Http: don't double decode URI path and query by default. Instead add per server options to enable double decoding for both cases. #464 #504.
      http: after path double decoding, also normalize the path again. #504.
      rule analyzer: make analyzer aware of http_user_agent pcre flag /V.
      Update Changelog to include 1.3.1 changes.



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