[Oisf-devel] CPU affinity in PF_RING

Chris Wakelin c.d.wakelin at reading.ac.uk
Fri Jan 13 15:13:10 UTC 2012


I've been using the "workers" runmode in PF_RING (with cluster_flow) for
weeks and have just noticed it doesn't seem to pay attention to the
set_cpu_affinity setting. Is there a good reason for this? I quite like
the idea of tying a single receive-detect-log path to a particular CPU,
which is one of the reasons I liked Will Metcalf's "single" runmode.

The reason I'm asking is my Suricata (1.2rc1 equivalent) is getting
"busy" at times where one thread is consuming 100% of its CPU core and
then dropping packets. Restarting Suricata fixes it for a while. It
doesn't appear to be load-related (well, not number of packets or bytes,
anyway) but might be getting triggered by particular network events.
Having CPU affinity set might help keep track of one particular thread.

Best Wishes,

Christopher Wakelin,                           c.d.wakelin at reading.ac.uk
IT Services Centre, The University of Reading,  Tel: +44 (0)118 378 2908
Whiteknights, Reading, RG6 6AF, UK              Fax: +44 (0)118 975 3094

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