[Oisf-devel] Segfault on Suricata 1.2dev, PF_RING 5.2.1. and listening on a bonded interface

David.R.Wharton at regions.com David.R.Wharton at regions.com
Fri Jan 13 16:04:16 UTC 2012

No, tagged both ways.  Looking at traffic from a non-bonded interface like 
eth2, it is also VLAN tagged and Suricata doesn't segfault when listening 
on it.  From suricata-open.yaml:

default-packet-size: 1522


From:   Chris Wakelin <c.d.wakelin at reading.ac.uk>
To:     oisf-devel at openinfosecfoundation.org
Date:   01/13/2012 09:56 AM
Subject:        Re: [Oisf-devel] Segfault on Suricata 1.2dev, PF_RING 
5.2.1. and listening on a bonded interface
Sent by:        oisf-devel-bounces at openinfosecfoundation.org

On 13/01/12 15:51, David.R.Wharton at regions.com wrote:
> Good question.  They are VLAN tagged so they have an extra four bytes.
> -David

Not tagged in only one direction like our border switches I hope :)

What do you have the MTU set to? Suricata might not detect it correctly.

Best Wishes

Christopher Wakelin,                           c.d.wakelin at reading.ac.uk
IT Services Centre, The University of Reading,  Tel: +44 (0)118 378 2908
Whiteknights, Reading, RG6 6AF, UK              Fax: +44 (0)118 975 3094
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