[Oisf-devel] [Oisf-users] RFC: Yaml conf structure for enabling/disabling protocol parsers

Jason Ish lists at unx.ca
Sat Dec 28 00:08:30 UTC 2013

On Thu, Dec 26, 2013 at 11:50 AM, Anoop Saldanha
<anoopsaldanha at gmail.com> wrote:
> On Thu, Dec 26, 2013 at 8:51 PM, Christophe Vandeplas
> <christophe at vandeplas.com> wrote:
>> Option 2 seems the most logical one to me.
>> In addition to Victor's argument about nesting I'd like to add and usability
>> argument for keeping the tcp and udp configuration close to each other:
>> When you dive into the configuration you mostly care about it being "dns"
>> and not "tcp/udp". So if you're going to make a change there's a high
>> probability that you'll want to change both the tcp and udp version of the
>> dns procotol. You'll probably prefer to to scroll a page downwards to change
>> the udp part after setting the tcp settings.
>> Kind regards and merry xmas
> +1

+1 here as well.  I'd also be curious what the defaults are as well?
Say I don't list DNS, is DNS not going to be enabled at all?  Just
enabled on TCP?  Or do what the 80% probably what, have DNS enabled on
TCP and UDP port 53 when its configuration is absent?

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