[Oisf-devel] [COMMIT] OISF branch, master, updated. suricata-2.0.2-98-ga0b421c

OISF Git noreply at openinfosecfoundation.org
Thu Jul 31 12:27:15 UTC 2014

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script. It was
generated because a ref change was pushed to the repository containing
the project "OISF".

The branch, master has been updated
       via  a0b421c47e797bf8ef1cd5c77626ef89398d6524 (commit)
       via  228abb89ac85057b5fbc60789f7912283e643a85 (commit)
       via  8f1d75039a1378aed62c3d27578a954c0a4ccce6 (commit)
      from  de4e2221d8e9dc43f07c867caaad5e42f16a96b7 (commit)

Those revisions listed above that are new to this repository have
not appeared on any other notification email; so we list those
revisions in full, below.

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit a0b421c47e797bf8ef1cd5c77626ef89398d6524
Author: Victor Julien <victor at inliniac.net>
Date:   Thu Jul 31 12:17:58 2014 +0200

    Fix up mistaken style change

commit 228abb89ac85057b5fbc60789f7912283e643a85
Author: Ken Steele <ken at tilera.com>
Date:   Wed Jul 30 14:44:45 2014 -0400


commit 8f1d75039a1378aed62c3d27578a954c0a4ccce6
Author: Ken Steele <ken at tilera.com>
Date:   Wed Jul 30 14:19:35 2014 -0400

    Enforce function coding standard
    Functions should be defined as:
    int foo(void)
    Rather than:
    int food(void) {
    All functions where changed by a script to match this standard.


Summary of changes:
 src/alert-debuglog.c              |   12 +-
 src/alert-fastlog.c               |    6 +-
 src/alert-prelude.c               |   12 +-
 src/alert-syslog.c                |   12 +-
 src/app-layer-dcerpc-udp.c        |   15 +-
 src/app-layer-dcerpc.c            |  117 +++++---
 src/app-layer-dns-common.c        |   72 +++--
 src/app-layer-dns-tcp.c           |   18 +-
 src/app-layer-dns-udp.c           |   24 +-
 src/app-layer-ftp.c               |   33 ++-
 src/app-layer-htp-file.c          |   36 ++-
 src/app-layer-htp.c               |   90 ++++--
 src/app-layer-parser.c            |   12 +-
 src/app-layer-smb.c               |   36 ++-
 src/app-layer-smb2.c              |   15 +-
 src/app-layer-ssh.c               |   69 +++--
 src/app-layer.c                   |    6 +-
 src/decode-gre.c                  |   12 +-
 src/decode-icmpv4.c               |   30 +-
 src/decode-icmpv6.c               |    6 +-
 src/decode-ipv4.c                 |  102 ++++---
 src/decode-ipv6.c                 |    9 +-
 src/decode-ppp.c                  |   15 +-
 src/decode-pppoe.c                |   21 +-
 src/decode-raw.c                  |   12 +-
 src/decode-vlan.c                 |   12 +-
 src/defrag-hash.c                 |   36 ++-
 src/defrag-queue.c                |   18 +-
 src/defrag-timeout.c              |   12 +-
 src/defrag.c                      |    9 +-
 src/detect-ack.c                  |    3 +-
 src/detect-asn1.c                 |   93 ++++--
 src/detect-bytejump.c             |   51 ++--
 src/detect-bytetest.c             |   72 +++--
 src/detect-content.c              |   60 ++--
 src/detect-csum.c                 |   36 ++-
 src/detect-depth.c                |    3 +-
 src/detect-detection-filter.c     |   45 ++-
 src/detect-distance.c             |    6 +-
 src/detect-dns-query.c            |   27 +-
 src/detect-dsize.c                |   72 +++--
 src/detect-engine-address-ipv6.c  |    3 +-
 src/detect-engine-address.c       |   24 +-
 src/detect-engine-alert.c         |    9 +-
 src/detect-engine-analyzer.c      |    3 +-
 src/detect-engine-event.c         |   27 +-
 src/detect-engine-hhd.c           |    3 +-
 src/detect-engine-iponly.c        |   87 ++++--
 src/detect-engine-mpm.c           |   84 ++++--
 src/detect-engine-payload.c       |   12 +-
 src/detect-engine-port.c          |  189 ++++++++----
 src/detect-engine-proto.c         |   12 +-
 src/detect-engine-siggroup.c      |   27 +-
 src/detect-engine-state.c         |   18 +-
 src/detect-engine-tag.c           |   24 +-
 src/detect-engine-threshold.c     |   21 +-
 src/detect-engine.c               |   42 ++-
 src/detect-file-data.c            |    3 +-
 src/detect-fileext.c              |   18 +-
 src/detect-filemagic.c            |   30 +-
 src/detect-filemd5.c              |   30 +-
 src/detect-filename.c             |   18 +-
 src/detect-filesize.c             |    3 +-
 src/detect-filestore.c            |    9 +-
 src/detect-flags.c                |   48 ++-
 src/detect-flow.c                 |  111 ++++---
 src/detect-flowbits.c             |   48 ++-
 src/detect-flowvar.c              |   15 +-
 src/detect-fragbits.c             |   21 +-
 src/detect-fragoffset.c           |   30 +-
 src/detect-ftpbounce.c            |    6 +-
 src/detect-geoip.c                |   51 ++--
 src/detect-gid.c                  |   12 +-
 src/detect-http-client-body.c     |    6 +-
 src/detect-http-cookie.c          |   21 +-
 src/detect-http-method.c          |    9 +-
 src/detect-http-server-body.c     |   12 +-
 src/detect-http-stat-code.c       |   15 +-
 src/detect-http-stat-msg.c        |   12 +-
 src/detect-http-uri.c             |    3 +-
 src/detect-icmp-id.c              |   39 ++-
 src/detect-icmp-seq.c             |   30 +-
 src/detect-icode.c                |   45 ++-
 src/detect-id.c                   |   24 +-
 src/detect-ipopts.c               |   21 +-
 src/detect-ipproto.c              |    3 +-
 src/detect-iprep.c                |   18 +-
 src/detect-isdataat.c             |   24 +-
 src/detect-itype.c                |   45 ++-
 src/detect-l3proto.c              |   12 +-
 src/detect-luajit-extensions.c    |   24 +-
 src/detect-luajit.c               |   63 ++--
 src/detect-mark.c                 |   18 +-
 src/detect-metadata.c             |    3 +-
 src/detect-msg.c                  |    6 +-
 src/detect-noalert.c              |    3 +-
 src/detect-offset.c               |    3 +-
 src/detect-parse.c                |  198 ++++++++-----
 src/detect-pcre.c                 |    6 +-
 src/detect-pkt-data.c             |    6 +-
 src/detect-pktvar.c               |    3 +-
 src/detect-rawbytes.c             |    3 +-
 src/detect-replace.c              |    9 +-
 src/detect-rev.c                  |    3 +-
 src/detect-rpc.c                  |   27 +-
 src/detect-seq.c                  |    3 +-
 src/detect-sid.c                  |    3 +-
 src/detect-ssh-proto-version.c    |   27 +-
 src/detect-ssh-software-version.c |   27 +-
 src/detect-ssl-state.c            |    3 +-
 src/detect-ssl-version.c          |    9 +-
 src/detect-stream_size.c          |   30 +-
 src/detect-threshold.c            |    3 +-
 src/detect-tls-version.c          |   24 +-
 src/detect-tls.c                  |   12 +-
 src/detect-ttl.c                  |   48 ++-
 src/detect-uricontent.c           |   36 ++-
 src/detect-urilen.c               |    3 +-
 src/detect-window.c               |   30 +-
 src/detect-within.c               |    9 +-
 src/detect.c                      |  582 ++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------
 src/flow-manager.c                |   27 +-
 src/flow-private.h                |    3 +-
 src/flow-storage.c                |   36 ++-
 src/flow-timeout.c                |    3 +-
 src/flow-var.c                    |   27 +-
 src/flow.h                        |   21 +-
 src/host-queue.c                  |   18 +-
 src/host-storage.c                |   36 ++-
 src/host-timeout.c                |   12 +-
 src/host.c                        |   42 ++-
 src/log-dnslog.c                  |   12 +-
 src/log-droplog.c                 |   12 +-
 src/log-file.c                    |   21 +-
 src/log-filestore.c               |   24 +-
 src/log-httplog.c                 |    9 +-
 src/log-pcap.c                    |   21 +-
 src/log-tlslog.c                  |    6 +-
 src/output-file.c                 |   15 +-
 src/output-filedata.c             |   21 +-
 src/output-flow.c                 |   12 +-
 src/output-json-alert.c           |    3 +-
 src/output-json-dns.c             |    9 +-
 src/output-json-drop.c            |    6 +-
 src/output-json-file.c            |   18 +-
 src/output-json-flow.c            |    3 +-
 src/output-json-http.c            |    3 +-
 src/output-json-netflow.c         |    3 +-
 src/output-json-ssh.c             |    9 +-
 src/output-json-tls.c             |    9 +-
 src/output-json.c                 |   15 +-
 src/output-packet.c               |   18 +-
 src/output-tx.c                   |   15 +-
 src/output.c                      |   24 +-
 src/packet-queue.c                |   12 +-
 src/pkt-var.c                     |   15 +-
 src/reputation.c                  |   54 ++--
 src/runmode-napatech.c            |   15 +-
 src/source-af-packet.c            |   21 +-
 src/source-ipfw.c                 |   27 +-
 src/source-napatech.c             |    6 +-
 src/source-nflog.c                |    6 +-
 src/source-nfq.c                  |   48 ++-
 src/source-pcap-file.c            |   18 +-
 src/source-pcap.c                 |   21 +-
 src/source-pfring.c               |   24 +-
 src/stream-tcp-inline.c           |   33 ++-
 src/stream-tcp-reassemble.c       |  234 ++++++++++-----
 src/stream-tcp-sack.c             |   60 ++--
 src/stream-tcp-sack.h             |    3 +-
 src/stream-tcp-util.c             |   36 ++-
 src/stream-tcp.c                  |  177 +++++++----
 src/stream-tcp.h                  |    3 +-
 src/stream.c                      |   39 ++-
 src/suricata.c                    |   33 ++-
 src/threads.c                     |   15 +-
 src/tm-modules.c                  |   18 +-
 src/tm-queuehandlers.c            |    9 +-
 src/tm-queues.c                   |   15 +-
 src/tm-threads.c                  |    9 +-
 src/tmqh-nfq.c                    |    3 +-
 src/tmqh-packetpool.c             |    3 +-
 src/tmqh-ringbuffer.c             |    9 +-
 src/tmqh-simple.c                 |    6 +-
 src/util-action.c                 |    3 +-
 src/util-affinity.c               |    3 +-
 src/util-bloomfilter-counting.c   |   51 ++--
 src/util-bloomfilter.c            |   48 ++-
 src/util-bloomfilter.h            |    3 +-
 src/util-byte.c                   |   51 ++--
 src/util-cidr.c                   |    6 +-
 src/util-daemon.c                 |   18 +-
 src/util-device.c                 |    9 +-
 src/util-file.c                   |   96 ++++--
 src/util-fmemopen.c               |   18 +-
 src/util-hash.c                   |   57 ++--
 src/util-hashlist.c               |   57 ++--
 src/util-memcmp.c                 |   54 ++--
 src/util-memcmp.h                 |   18 +-
 src/util-memrchr.c                |    6 +-
 src/util-misc.c                   |    6 +-
 src/util-mpm-b2g.c                |  171 +++++++----
 src/util-mpm-b2gc.c               |  198 ++++++++-----
 src/util-mpm-b2gm.c               |  195 ++++++++-----
 src/util-mpm-b3g.c                |  144 ++++++---
 src/util-mpm-wumanber.c           |  285 ++++++++++++------
 src/util-mpm.c                    |   27 +-
 src/util-path.c                   |    6 +-
 src/util-pidfile.c                |    3 +-
 src/util-pool-thread.c            |   48 ++-
 src/util-pool.c                   |   48 ++-
 src/util-print.c                  |    3 +-
 src/util-privs.c                  |    3 +-
 src/util-profiling-keywords.c     |   27 +-
 src/util-profiling-locks.c        |   24 +-
 src/util-profiling-rules.c        |   18 +-
 src/util-profiling.c              |   42 ++-
 src/util-radix-tree.c             |    6 +-
 src/util-random.c                 |    3 +-
 src/util-ringbuffer.c             |  105 ++++---
 src/util-rohash.c                 |   18 +-
 src/util-runmodes.c               |    3 +-
 src/util-spm-bm.c                 |    9 +-
 src/util-spm-bs.c                 |    9 +-
 src/util-spm-bs2bm.c              |    6 +-
 src/util-spm.c                    |    3 +-
 src/util-threshold-config.c       |    3 +-
 src/util-unittest-helper.c        |   93 ++++--
 src/util-unittest.c               |   33 ++-
 src/util-var-name.c               |   18 +-
 230 files changed, 4992 insertions(+), 2496 deletions(-)


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