[Oisf-devel] an advise to file 'app-layer-htp.c' in project suricata

sxh sxhlinux at 163.com
Sat Jun 28 02:19:32 UTC 2014

	Recently I'm using suricata to detect the email and try to store the
uploaded email's attachment file. The file is uploaded by HTTP method
POST, and find out that when the POST header doesn't have a 'boundary'
keyword in the line 'Content-Type:', function
'HtpRequestBodySetupMultipart' still return 0 instead of 1. When I
change the location of the last 'SCReturnInt(1);'' in the function
'HtpRequestBodySetupMultipart', it works.
	I've attached the diff file of app-layer-htp.c in the attachment.
(app-layer-htp.c.bak is the origined file from suricata-2.0.1 release,
and app-layer-htp.c is the changed file).
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