[Oisf-devel] suricata af-packet IPS mode can't record drop.log

李志强1(研七 福州) lizhiqiang at ruijie.com.cn
Fri Sep 19 08:36:08 UTC 2014

  When I set suricata run with af-packet ips mode, I found it can’t record “drop.log” or drop log within eve.log.

  I found the source code don’t support this. When it record drop log, the engine must run ENGINE_MODE_IPS, but this only when NFQ and IPFW mode set this value.

  Here is the code:

static int JsonDropLogCondition(ThreadVars *tv, const Packet *p) {
    if (!EngineModeIsIPS()) {
        SCLogDebug("engine is not running in inline mode, so returning");
        return FALSE;

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