[Oisf-devel] STIX and TAXII integration

John Griffith griff at bbn.com
Thu Apr 30 18:16:46 UTC 2015

I'm working on a project that could use Suricata integrated with STIX 
and TAXII - but I can't find any information other than the announcement 
last May that such an integration had been completed.

Could someone point me in the right direction towards code or a project 

Thanks in advance...
John G. Griffith
Senior Scientist 	Cyber-Security
e: griff at bbn.com 	p: +1.617.873.2939
f: +1.617.873.4086 	m: +1.603.801.0305
Raytheon BBN Technologies
10 Moulton St.
Cambridge, MA 02138
www.bbn.com <http://www.bbn.com>

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