[Oisf-devel] Problems detecting app-layer session (re-sending as smaller size email)

Victor Julien victor at inliniac.net
Sat Mar 14 09:53:22 UTC 2015

Sorry for the late reply.

On 02/15/2015 04:06 PM, Adrian Falk wrote:
> I'm having trouble detecting an app-layer session for a registered port.
> This only happens when the pcap file I feed to Suricata has the
> following characteristics/errors as shown below in the Wireshark output
> below. With a clean pcap file there is no issue.
> The following two packets (21 and 25) from Wireshark capture shows the
> packets Suricata sees as the first 2 packets for this session. Packet
> (21) is actually to-server but Suricata classifies it as to-client. 

Yeah this is currently a known issue. I'm planning to add support for
determining the direction of the flow based on 2 more properties in case
the start of the stream was missed:

- simple port number: if one port is 80 it's likely http
- app-layer detection: if start of the stream is "GET /blah" it's likely
to server

> 21 2.927665 TCP 60[TCP Acked unseen segment]
> netinfo-local >..
> 25 3.217648 TCP 60[TCP Previous segment not
> captured] 
> In the following Suricata log, it shows how packet 25 processing fails
> to find probing parser for either port even though it logs that it finds
> the probing parser for source port. I print a DEBUG statement that
> indicates pp_port_sp->sp = (nil). And then it never even attempts to
> detect this session again, throughout the run.
> 15/2/2015 -- 09:48:17 - <Debug> - Entering ... >>
> 15/2/2015 -- 09:48:17 - <Debug> - Returning: 0 ... <<
> 15/2/2015 -- 09:48:17 - <Debug> - Returning pointer (nil) of type
> AppLayerProtoDetectProbingParserPort * ... <<
> 15/2/2015 -- 09:48:17 - <Debug> - toclient - No probing parser
> registered for dest port 1033
> 15/2/2015 -- 09:48:17 - <Debug> - Returning pointer 0x27738b0 of type
> AppLayerProtoDetectProbingParserPort * ... <<
> 15/2/2015 -- 09:48:17 - <Debug> - toclient - Probing parser found for
> source port 20000
> 15/2/2015 -- 09:48:17 - <Debug> - DEBUG:pp_port_sp->sp = (nil)
> 15/2/2015 -- 09:48:17 - <Debug> - toclient - No probing parsers found
> for either port
> 15/2/2015 -- 09:48:17 - <Debug> - toclient, mask is now 00000000
> 15/2/2015 -- 09:48:17 - <Debug> - Returning: 0 ... <<
> Any help would be much appreciated.

Not sure if there is an easy workaround, other than implementing what I
have in mind above.

Victor Julien
PGP: http://www.inliniac.net/victorjulien.asc

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