[Oisf-devel] [COMMIT] OISF branch, master-2.0.x, updated. suricata-2.0.9-2-ge4023b5

OISF Git noreply at openinfosecfoundation.org
Wed Nov 25 08:16:14 UTC 2015

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script. It was
generated because a ref change was pushed to the repository containing
the project "OISF".

The branch, master-2.0.x has been updated
       via  e4023b5182c990606405302bbcef12cc8374bfed (commit)
       via  f84a1382c7677603e7f6217d645f1fadc729accf (commit)
      from  727274da0cb45ac71e1bf65dbc1c9f5b7f83db97 (commit)

Those revisions listed above that are new to this repository have
not appeared on any other notification email; so we list those
revisions in full, below.

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit e4023b5182c990606405302bbcef12cc8374bfed
Author: Victor Julien <victor at inliniac.net>
Date:   Mon Apr 13 12:12:46 2015 +0200

    pcap: implement LINKTYPE_NULL
    Implement LINKTYPE_NULL for pcap live and pcap file.
    From: http://www.tcpdump.org/linktypes.html
    "BSD loopback encapsulation; the link layer header is a 4-byte field,
     in host byte order, containing a PF_ value from socket.h for the
     network-layer protocol of the packet.
     Note that ``host byte order'' is the byte order of the machine on
     which the packets are captured, and the PF_ values are for the OS
     of the machine on which the packets are captured; if a live capture
     is being done, ``host byte order'' is the byte order of the machine
     capturing the packets, and the PF_ values are those of the OS of
     the machine capturing the packets, but if a ``savefile'' is being
     read, the byte order and PF_ values are not necessarily those of
     the machine reading the capture file."
    Feature ticket #1581

commit f84a1382c7677603e7f6217d645f1fadc729accf
Author: Giuseppe Longo <glongo at stamus-networks.com>
Date:   Tue Nov 17 14:54:01 2015 +0100

    logging: fix modules ordering during logging for 2.0.x
    This is a backport patch for 2.0.x to fix
    modules ordering during logging.
    Original patch is written by Eric Leblond,
    the original commit message below:
    With the previous code the order of the logging modules in the
    YAML were determining which module was run first. This was not
    wished and a consequences was that the EVE fileinfo module was
    not correctly displaying the key 'stored' because it was
    depending on a flag set alter by the filestore module.
    This patch adds a priority file to the TmModule structure. The
    higher the priority is set, the sooner the module is run in the
    logging process. The RunModeOutput structure has also been
    updated to contain the name of the original TmModule. Thus allowing
    to define a priority for a RunModeOutput.
    Currently only the filestore has a priority set. The rest of them is
    set to the default value of zero.


Summary of changes:
 rules/decoder-events.rules     |  9 ++++-
 src/Makefile.am                |  1 +
 src/decode-events.h            |  4 ++
 src/decode-null.c              | 89 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 src/{debug.h => decode-null.h} | 12 ++----
 src/decode.c                   |  2 +
 src/decode.h                   |  8 ++++
 src/detect-engine-event.h      |  4 ++
 src/log-filestore.c            |  1 +
 src/runmodes.c                 | 38 ++++++++++++++++--
 src/source-pcap-file.c         |  3 ++
 src/source-pcap.c              |  3 ++
 src/tm-modules.h               |  2 +
 13 files changed, 163 insertions(+), 13 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 src/decode-null.c
 copy src/{debug.h => decode-null.h} (86%)


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