[Oisf-devel] Suricata 3.0 is out!

Victor Julien victor at inliniac.net
Wed Jan 27 14:14:58 UTC 2016

We're proud to announce Suricata 3.0. This is a major new release
improving Suricata on many fronts.


*Features and Improvements*

- improved detection options, including multi-tenancy and xbits
- performance and scalability much improved
- much improved accuracy and robustness
- Lua scripting capabilities expanded significantly
- many output improvements, including much more JSON
- NETMAP capture method support, especially interesting to FreeBSD users
- SMTP inspection and file extraction

For a full list of features added, please see:


Upgrades from 2.0 to 3.0 should be mostly seamless. Here are some notes:


*Special thanks*

We'd like to thank the following people and corporations for their
contributions and feedback:

 FireEye, ProtectWise, ANSSI, Emerging Threats /
 Proofpoint, Stamus Networks, Ntop, AFL project, CoverityScan

 Aaron Campbell, Aleksey Katargin, Alessandro Guido,
 Alexander Gozman, Alexandre Macabies, Alfredo Cardigliano,
 Andreas Moe, Anoop Saldanha, Antti Tönkyrä, Bill Meeks,
 Darien Huss, David Abarbanel, David Cannings, David Diallo,
 David Maciejak, Duarte Silva, Eduardo Arada, Giuseppe Longo,
 Greg Siemon, Hayder Sinan, Helmut Schaa, Jason Ish,
 Jeff Barber, Ken Steele, lessyv, Mark Webb-Johnson,
 Mats Klepsland, Matt Carothers, Michael Rash, Nick Jones,
 Pierre Chifflier, Ray Ruvinskiy, Samiux A, Schnaffon,
 Stephen Donnelly, sxhlinux, Tom DeCanio, Torgeir Natvig,
 Travis Green, Zachary Rasmor

*About Suricata*

Suricata is a high performance Network IDS, IPS and Network Security
Monitoring engine. Open Source and owned by a community run non-profit
foundation, the Open Information Security Foundation (OISF). Suricata is
developed by the OISF, its supporting vendors and the community.

November 9-11 we'll be in Washington, DC, for our 2nd Suricata User
Conference: http://oisfevents.net

If you need help installing, updating, validating and tuning Suricata we
have a training program. Please see http://suricata-ids.org/training/

For support options also see http://suricata-ids.org/support/

Victor Julien
PGP: http://www.inliniac.net/victorjulien.asc

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