[Oisf-devel] Dev Training in Paris - $500 Discount & Agenda

Kelley Misata kmisata at oisf.net
Wed Jul 13 19:44:54 UTC 2016

*$500 Discount 5-Day Developer Training*
Paris, France
September 12 - 16

Don't miss this opportunity to attend the 5-day Suricata training designed
for and led by developers. This *annual* training event will teach you how
to extend Suricata's features and functionalities. You will also have
direct access to the Suricata's developers for questions and help.

*REGISTER BEFORE JULY 15 and receive $500 off!*
Early Bird Registration

*Want know more... check out the agenda:*

Each day each of the major topics below will be started with a lecture,
then a walk through followed by an exercise. During the days there will be
plenty of time for questions and discussion.

   - Day 1
      - Introduction into Suricata development... we will go into
      development tools and procedures. We will give a high-level
overview of the
      Suricata architecture, of debugging techniques, QA, etc.
      - Building a packet decoder - Packet decoders are low-level parsers
      for L2, L3 and L4 protocols. Think about ethernet, vlan, IP or TCP.
   - Day 2
      - Creating a simple detection module - Simple low-level detection
      keywords that inspects properties of individual packets. Such
keywords are
      used to inspect fields like TCP flags. As an extension of this,
we'll look
      into the Lua detection API.
      - App Layer - The app layer API is the primary way of dealing with L7
      protocols such as HTTP, TLS, etc. These parsers run on top of TCP (with
      stream reassembly) and UDP. The API has many aspects so we'll
spend quite a
      bit of time on this.
   - Day 3
      - App Layer Decoder - Implement a basic parser, hook it into the
      engine and take care of things like memory management, transaction
      handling, error handling, exception handling. Reporting on bad &
      non-compliant traffic.
   - Day 4
      - App Layer Logger - Dive into the logging API, with hooking
      a logger for the new protocol parser into the EVE json output.
      exposing the new protocol to the Lua output API.
      - App Layer Detection - when parsing a protocol often the goal is to
      expose parts of it to the detection engine. This is about hooking the
      detection logic into the engine. It will also address things like
      normalization of data.
   - Day 5
      - Detection keywords using string/array buffers can be hooked into
      the Multi Pattern Matcher (MPM) engine for optimal performance.
      - Q&A Session

*Kelley Misata*
*Executive Director*
*kmisata at oisf.net <kmisata at oisf.net>*
*www.oisf.net <http://www.oisf.net>*
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