[Oisf-devel] Lua Buffer for IPv4 headers?

Nasir Bilal bilalbox at gmail.com
Mon May 9 23:46:38 UTC 2016

Hey Devs!

We are looking for a way to expose the contents of the layer-3/IP headers
to our lua script. Based on this documentation
It seems that we can only get granular HTTP headers. Are there buffers
available specific to the IP and TCP headers? For example, to get all the
HTTP header info, we'd need an init function like so:

function init (args)
    local needs = {}
    needs["payload"] = tostring(true)
    return needs

So, would we build something like:

function init (args)
    local needs = {}
    needs["protocol"] = "ip"
    return needs


function init (args)
    local needs = {}
    needs["ip.something"] = tostring(true)
    return needs

In other words, is there a more comprehensive list of the buffers available
that includes ALL of those currently available in Suricata 3.0.1?

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