[Oisf-devel] Incorrect packet stats in pcap and pf_ring capture modes

m1234dm1234n1234 . brainbug123 at gmail.com
Fri Sep 16 20:50:11 UTC 2016


In high networking load i noticed that packet dropped stats went above 100%.
I get stats like this one in example:

pkts :  250833
drop : 749860
drop % : 298,95%

What got me suspicious since i sent exactly 1M packets to Suricata, and the
sum of those 2 numbers is around that 1M.

Both pcap and pf_ring modes are affected.
Looking through source-pcap.c file, in lines 661-663 i found next formula :

SCLogInfo("(%s) Pcap Total:%" PRIu64 " Recv:%" PRIu64 " Drop:%" PRIu64 " (
%02.1f%%).", tv->name,
(uint64_t)pcap_s.ps_recv, (uint64_t)pcap_s.ps_recv - (uint64_t)pcap_s.
ps_drop, (uint64_t)pcap_s.ps_drop,

Lurking some more i found this old patch from 2011 that I think solves
those stats issues where the drop% is calculated on the sum of those 2
values,yet here is not implemented.


Any reason why ?

P.S. AF-Packet correctly reports 1M total received on the NIC and drop% is
correct, at least it looks ok.
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