[Oisf-devel] Arithmetic Operators in signature

rmkml rmkml at ligfy.org
Thu Sep 1 20:18:06 UTC 2016

Hi Amit,

Not easy, depending your need,

could you describe one example please ?

For exemple use byte_test ? or use pcre relative ?

Another is lua script for complex.

Best Regards

On Thu, 1 Sep 2016, amit zala wrote:

> Hi,
> Is there any way to use arithmetic operators (+ - * /) in signature? 
> For example,
> I use byte_extract to extract some bytes, and then I want to multiply it by some static value and check if it crosses some limit? Is there any way to do it in signature itself?
> I searched into suricata guide but I was not able to find anything which satisfies this requirement.
> Thanks
> Amit

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